Wednesday, May 22, 2013



Brands are some of the coolest toughest looking body arts. These are rising to be very popular. These are very painful arts but look very tough and damn good when they come out properly.  I recommend people to get branded professionally instead of doing it your self. To not get an ugly infection an also make sure you get the right design you want. If your going to go through all that pain might as well get something you really want. These are uncommon because many people can't handle the pain. And sometimes brands don't come out how you expected them too.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Religious tattoos are among some of the most popular tattoos. For their strong messages and representation. People get them to show that follow gods or god. Main message is that you stand for faith or believing in something. These tattoos are common in black in grey. These tattoos are very common in the whole world sometimes relating to death sometimes relating to happiness and faith. What you mainly see is crosses with scrolls and rosary's and saints.

Monday, May 13, 2013



These tattoos have no initial meaning but I must say these are some tattoos that are becoming very popular very fast. They look absolutely epic! These tattoos have multiple  designs from internal muscles and body internals too outer space stars and planets. People can now tattoo Spiderman suit inside them then look like a super hero. These tattoos are pig and could cost some big bucks. But when getting this tattoo remember they are big and will require time and money and good care. If your getting a big tattoo with a lot of detail best to invest in a good artist and shop. So there are no disappointments. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013



The Pin Up girl is one of the Hottest damn right sexiest tattoo I've ever seen! The pin up girl tattoo is down right an eye catcher with its explicit features. Such as Cleavage, backs, boobs, legs and of coarse butts. It can offer funny, serious, sad and just for fun tattoo.  This tattoo is a classic and just timeless. People have modified it with their own styles today but it will always be the Pin Up girl. There is really no main meaning for the tattoo.



The theater masks are some of the sickest tattoos out there, but are not so popular as they use to be. The theater masks can represent a lot of things such as, laugh now cry later or having love for acting or drama.  This tattoo can represent or mean anything you want it too because everyone has a different story  on why they got it. There many styles of these masks for ample  clowns, skulls, hannya, original masks or portraits. Anything with  a face pretty much can work for this. So if your planning to get Theater Masks be sure to get creative and know exactly how you want them. 

Friday, April 26, 2013



The red rose is one of the most popular tattoos. This tattoo is popular among the men and women. The meaning of the red rose is mainly love. This tattoo combined with any other symbol can show the love for that subject. But also remember you can make your own meaning to the tattoos get. The red rose can also symbolize beauty. This tattoo is better when combined with other subjects.

Sunday, April 14, 2013



Music there's not much that a music note or lyrics can symbolize. But the meaning behind the tattoo is what the strongest point in the tattoo. Music is a huge part of peoples life know it or not. Music can bring an emotion a felling surrounding a thought. Music is something no picture or video can ever do. The tattoo is used by artist or band members or people involved with music for a living, but like most of us cause were just crazy music fanatics. Enjoy your tattoo and remember make sure you can life with it for the rest of your life.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Everyone is different and likes their own type of tattoo. They have their own reason why they got that tattoo but sometimes people just like the look of a tattoo. But what the problem with that ? People love art! No one should stop you from getting what you want on your skin. You can make your own meaning to the tattoo you got or story of why you got it.

Monday, March 18, 2013



The grim reaper is one sick looking  tattoo! This tattoo represents numerous things, but it's all what you want it to mean.  The traditional tattoo has a black reaper with a with a long sickle. Usually the reaper only has the skeleton hands showing, No skull or red glowing eyes. One of  the meanings behind the tattoo is after life awaits us. Or it can represent not being afraid of death like bravery, courage and death before dishonor. But mainly people get it because its one of the coolest tattoos to get. 

Friday, March 8, 2013


There are many people who want to remove their tattoos. Either a bad tattoo, bad piece of art or just regret getting a tattoo. People there are other ways to remove tattoos besides just laser removal. But before you look at the link here are some tips to help you out.
First of all be sure you want a tattoo and member its going to be there for the rest of your life. Second make the investment to a good artist and a clean place. Safety fist.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Ok so you got your new tattoo what do you do now?
Wait and let it heal properly. Leave the bandage on for a while because its cut and it can get infected or  ruin your tattoo. When removing the bandage you will want to wash it to disinfect it. Use light warm water and soap. If our tattoo artist recommends a lotion or some product, you may want to try it for best results in your tattoo. Now showering is recommended but don't soak your tattoo for long periods of time or hard scrubbing Avoid pools baths etc. Protect your tattoo from the sun with sunblock, it helps your tattoo look better in the long run. Enjoy your tattoo.

Friday, February 22, 2013



The star is about one of the most common tattoos in the world origin is unknown. There are multiple designs and means of the star but they all similar in their meanings. The normal star meaning is success, goals, achievement, beauty, happiness and knowledge. This tattoo average a price fro 50-300$.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013



The crown represents several things, its all depending on who has it and sometimes the town you live in. The normal meaning for this tattoo is having great power, leadership and rightful authority over someone or a group of people. The crown has many different meanings. For example a gang called the" Latin Kings" use a five pointed star to represent love, honesty, honor, knowledge and respect. in addition to other means it can also represent religion. But usually a crown is combined with other symbols to represent greater meaning above the common meaning.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


The Hannya mask.

The Hannya mask originates in Japan, this tattoo has multiple meanings. This mask is used in a lot of plays to represent jealous and vengeful women. This tattoo can range from dark and grey colors to really bright colors. The more colorful the mask the deeper and more violent the emotions run in that person. This mask legend started out with a married couple. The husband would go to work and come back right away he was a faithful man. But his wife still did not trust him at all and one night when her husband went out to be with his friends his wife raged and got so jealous, that she grew horns and grew fangs. Her face was stuck like that forever. Her bright sad eyes showed her suffering and vengeance.  The Hannya mask.

Friday, February 8, 2013

MY about me

    Hi I am a highschool student. I am 17 years old. I live in Colorado. I've lived in Colorado my whole life and I love it. I fell in love with body art since elementary school. The first time I saw a tattoo was when I was 5 years old; I thought it was just crazy people who loved art so much they would draw on themselves. Haha I thought it was awesome so I started coloring on myself. As I started growing up I found out every tattoo had a story behind it, a meaning that represented someone without needing to even say a word to them. Ever since that day I  have been fascinated by tattoos. I started looking up different types of  tattoos from Japan, Russia,South America and Africa. And in this blog I plan to write about multiple popular tattoos from different places in the world and what they represent. I hope you guys enjoy my blog.